Episode 74 with Adrianne Briere

Fat-Positive End Of Life Planning – Adrianne Briere


Show Notes & Full Transcript

Content Note: descriptions of what happens with human remains after death.

Adrianne Briere (she/her) believes that talking openly about death shouldn’t be taboo. She candidly shares how the remains of fat people are handled, including medical donations and funeral arrangements, and addresses the myths and misinformation about what happens after we die.

Adrianne Briere is a fat-positive, licensed funeral director who helps families of all races, religions, belief systems and size through the most emotional and vulnerable time in their lives. 

This episode’s poem is called “How could I have known I would need to remember your laughter,” by Lauren K. Alleyne.

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Our thanks to Chris Jones and AR Media for keeping this podcast looking and sounding joyful.


Episode 75 with Kristy Elesko


Episode 73 with Jeanie Finlay